Hey there! Let’s talk about something super important but often overlooked – asking for help. Whether it’s from God or our friends, embracing our neediness and practicing humility are key steps in our faith journey. This teaching is inspired by Ed Welch’s book, Side by Side. We’re diving deep into this topic today, so buckle up!

Life’s Challenges: The Real Deal

Let’s be real – life can be tough. From school stress to friendship drama, the challenges just keep coming. And with so many voices out there telling us how to handle things, it can be overwhelming. Our own mistakes and blind spots make it even harder. That’s why it’s crucial to pray and ask others to pray for us. If we try to help others without admitting our own struggles, we risk losing humility. The best helpers are those who know they need help too.

The Courage to Ask for Help

Asking God for help? That’s one thing. Asking other people? That’s next-level scary. We often want to look like we’ve got it all together, but guess what? Everyone struggles. Even the Apostle Paul, one of the early church’s biggest heroes, wasn’t shy about asking for prayer. He said, “Brothers, pray for us” (1 Thess. 5:25). He understood that real strength comes from admitting our weaknesses.

How to Ask for Help

Okay, so how do we actually ask for help? Here’s a pro tip: be specific. Share what’s really going on in your life, and then connect it with Scripture that speaks to your situation. Here are some examples to get you started:

Feeling Exhausted: “I’m so tired and feel like I can’t keep up. Could you pray that I find rest in Jesus?” (Matthew 11:28–30)

Family Struggles: “It’s so hard dealing with my family issues. Could you pray for healing for my family and for me to have patience?” (Hebrews 6:11; 4:16–18)

Dealing with Anger: “I’ve been really impatient lately. Could you pray that I remember Jesus’ patience with me and pass that on to others?” (1 Timothy 1:16)

Looking for a Job: “I need work. Could you pray that I trust God to provide and not get overwhelmed by anxiety?” (Matthew 6:28–34)

Sometimes, it’s okay to keep it simple: “I’m feeling so lost. Can you pray for me? I don’t even know what to say to God right now.”

Recognizing Help When It Comes

After we pray and ask others to pray for us, we need to be on the lookout for God’s answers. When He comes through (and He will), it’s time to celebrate and share those victories with our community. This helps us build “spiritual monuments” that remind us of His faithfulness, just like the Israelites did (Joshua 4:1–7).

Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You”

Expressing gratitude is powerful. When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one came back to thank Him, and he received a special blessing (Luke 17:11–19). Saying “thank you” to God and to those who pray for us keeps us humble and aware of our need for grace.

Proclaim His Faithfulness

Sharing how God has answered our prayers not only strengthens our faith but also encourages those around us. The psalmists did this all the time, recounting God’s faithfulness in their prayers and songs (Psalm 130:7–8). Let’s do the same and make some noise about God’s goodness!

Let’s Chat

How have you asked for help from others?
Think about times when you’ve reached out for support. How did it feel? How did it impact your relationships and faith?

How will you ask for help in the future?
What areas of your life could benefit from the prayers and support of others? Make a plan to ask for help more often.


Loving Heavenly Father,

We come to You knowing we can’t do this alone. Life is hard, and we need Your help. Teach us to turn to You and to ask for support from our friends and family. Help us to be real about our struggles and to seek prayer with honesty and humility.

Lord, give us the courage to admit our needs and to trust that You work through the prayers of Your people. As we share our burdens, may we find comfort and strength in our community.

Thank You for always being faithful. Help us to see and remember Your goodness, building spiritual reminders of Your love and grace. May our gratitude turn into praise, proclaiming Your faithfulness to everyone we meet.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


Stay strong, keep asking for help, and remember – we’re all in this together!

You might want to read Side by Side by Ed Welch to gain more insights into asking and offering help. It’s a fantastic guide on how we can support each other in our walk with God.


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