“Without the shedding of blood there is no remission.”

Hebrews 9:22 (KJV)

In Hebrews 9:22, Here is a sound truth that is foundational to the Christian faith: the necessity of blood shedding for the remission of sins. This principle is not only crucial in understanding our relationship with God but also permeates both the Old and New Testaments. Let’s delve into this concept and uncover its deep spiritual significance along with Charles spurgeon’s interpretation.

The Three Parables of Folly

To illustrate the importance of focusing on salvation rather than the origins of sin, let’s consider three vivid parables of folly:

The Wounded Soldier

Picture a soldier grievously wounded on the battlefield. The medic rushes to his side, ready to offer lifesaving treatment. But instead of asking for help, the soldier demands to know, “What kind of sword struck me? Who was the enemy that did this?” He’s more concerned with the details of his wound than with getting the healing he desperately needs. Isn’t this just like those of us who obsess over the origins of sin rather than seeking the salvation that can heal us?

The Distracted Captain

Imagine a ship caught in a raging storm. The crew is frantic, trying to keep the vessel afloat. But where’s the captain? Down in his cabin, buried in books, trying to understand where the storm came from and why it’s happening. He’s ignoring the immediate danger to satisfy his curiosity. Similarly, aren’t we sometimes more interested in debating where evil comes from instead of focusing on how to be saved from it?

The Spiritually Lost

Think of someone caught in a burning building, surrounded by flames and smoke. A firefighter appears, offering a way out. But instead of taking the offered hand, the person asks, “How did this fire start? What caused it?” The urgent question should be, “How can I escape?” This is akin to our spiritual state when we fixate on the origins of sin rather than seeking the escape provided by salvation.


Old Testament Sacrifices

The concept of atonement through blood runs through the entire Bible. The Old Testament is replete with sacrifices that required the shedding of blood for the remission of sins. These were a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice to come.

Ultimate Sacrifice

In Gethsemane, Jesus sweat drops of blood as He prayed in agony. On the cross, He shed His blood through the nails in His hands and feet, and the spear in His side. This act was the ultimate expression of love and sacrifice, securing the remission of sins for all who believe.

Universal and Perpetual Truth

This principle is universal and eternal. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, whether for the Jew or the Gentile, the king or the pauper. It remains a timeless truth of God’s moral governance.

In the Garden of Gethsemane and on the Cross of Calvary, we see the ultimate shedding of blood necessary for the remission of sins. This principle is not just a theological concept but a transformative truth that brings freedom and joy to our lives. Embrace this truth, live in its light, and share it with those around you.

A TESTIMONY : Mr. Innis and the Infidel

Let’s turn to a poignant illustration of this truth. Mr. Innis, a great Scottish minister, once visited an infidel who was dying. On his first visit, the man confidently said, “Mr. Innis, I am relying on the mercy of God. God is merciful and He will never damn a man forever.”

However, as the man’s condition worsened, Mr. Innis visited him again. This time, the man was filled with anxiety. “Oh, Mr. Innis, my hope is gone. For I have been thinking if God is merciful, God is just too. And what if, instead of being merciful to me, He should be just to me? What would then become of me? I must give up my hope in the mere mercy of God. Tell me how to be saved!”

Mr. Innis explained to him that Christ had died in the place of all believers, making it possible for God to be both just and the justifier of those who have faith in Jesus. The dying man found comfort in this truth and exclaimed, “Ah, Mr. Innis, there is something solid in that. I can rest on that. I cannot rest on anything else.”

This story brings out the fact that no one can find true assurance of forgiveness outside of Christ’s sacrificial death. It is only through the shedding of His blood that we can have the confidence of remission.

Practical Application

Accept the Sacrifice

Recognize that the remission of sins is only possible through the blood of Jesus Christ. Acknowledge the futility of trying to earn forgiveness through good works, repentance alone, or self-righteousness.

Embrace Humility

The Gospel levels all distinctions. Regardless of social status, wealth, or personal achievements, everyone needs the same atoning sacrifice. Approach God with humility, acknowledging that you are no better or worse than anyone else.

Share the Gospel

Communicate the truth of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice to others. Emphasize that no matter how grave one’s sins, forgiveness is available through Jesus. Encourage those who feel lost to trust in His blood for redemption.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed for the remission of my sins. Help me to fully grasp the magnitude of this gift and to live in the freedom and joy of forgiven sins. Grant me the grace to share this message with others, that they too might know the salvation found in Christ alone.

In Jesus’ most precious name. Amen.

By understanding and accepting the necessity of Christ’s blood shedding, we unlock the door to true remission of sins, experiencing the boundless love and grace of God in our lives.

Blessings 💕

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