“Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Cause me to walk in thy truth and teach me: for thou art the God of my saving health; I have waited for thee all the day.”

– Psalm 25:4-5

In our journey of faith, there is a profound lesson we can learn from Psalm 25: the importance of waiting on God for guidance and instruction. Just as an army waits for orders before advancing, so too must we, as Christians, seek and wait for God’s direction in our lives.

The Need for Divine Guidance

Imagine an army on the brink of entering enemy territory. When asked about the delay, the response might be, “Waiting for supplies,” or “Waiting for orders.” Without the final dispatch from their commander-in-chief, the army wouldn’t dare to move. Similarly, in our Christian walk, waiting for God’s instructions is as crucial as waiting for supplies. Psalm 25:3 reassures us, “Yea, none that wait on thee shall be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me.”

The psalmist knew and loved God’s law deeply, meditating on it day and night. However, he also recognized that knowing the law was not enough. He understood that for a right spiritual comprehension of the truth and its proper application to his unique circumstances, he needed direct divine teaching. This need for God’s guidance and the confidence that it would be given are beautifully expressed throughout Psalm 25.

Continuous Waiting and Seeking

Waiting on God is not a one-time act limited to moments of crisis; it should be a continuous practice throughout our daily lives. We must develop the habit of looking up to God for direction in every aspect of our day. Just as it is simple for someone with eyesight to walk in the light of the sun, so too can it become second nature for a soul practiced in waiting on God to walk in His light and guidance all day long.

In our times of prayer, we should clearly express our sense of need and our faith in His help. We need to become aware of our ignorance of God’s way and the necessity of divine light shining within us. This awareness should lead us to wait quietly before God until we feel a deep, restful assurance that His guidance will be given. As Psalm 25:9 states,

“The meek will he teach his way.”

– Psalm 25:9

The Joy in Waiting

What is required to cultivate such a life of waiting on God? It is simple: a true knowledge and faith in God as the only source of wisdom and goodness, who is ever ready and longing to be all that we require. Recognizing our need for God’s guidance transforms waiting on Him from a duty into a joyous, natural response to His great love and glory.

Our need for the Lord is the key. 🔑  Tell Him how much we need Him! 

If we could truly see God in His love and believe that He waits to be gracious to us, to be our life and work all in us, then waiting on God would become our highest joy. It would be the natural and spontaneous response of our hearts to His immense love and glory.


Dear loving Heavenly Father God,

I acknowledge my need for your guidance and seek your grace in practicing continuous prayer, to develop a habit of looking to you throughout the day because Lord I have deep confidence that you are willing to lead me. Help me embrace this continuity in seeking you, so that I can walk in the light of your agape love and wisdom and your leading gives me great joy Lord.

Forgive me for the days I have called you only in times of need. Have mercy on me and help me seek your face and wisdom all day long, trusting only in your perfect guidance and rejoicing in your steadfast love.

In Jesus’ most precious name.


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