“But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.”

Hosea 12:6 (NIV)

Continuity in life is like keeping your heart beating—miss a beat for even an hour, and you’re out of the game! Unbroken and ceaseless continuity is like the secret ingredient for a healthy Christian life—think of it as the spiritual caffeine that keeps your faith energised and alert!

A constant relationship with God is necessary, even though it might seem like a luxury to those content with a moderate Christian lifestyle. Many think continuous waiting on God is impossible amidst life’s duties. However, it’s about the heart—what fills the heart remains, even when the mind is busy elsewhere.

What’s in your heart?

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

When the heart realises it can’t sustain itself or do good on its own and learns to trust God as the keeper and fulfiller of promises, it finds rest in Him. From that point on, even amidst daily tasks and temptations, it can continuously wait on God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..”

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

Practical Steps to Continuously Wait on God

Adjust Your Focus: Don’t limit God by your own expectations. Focus on this truth: as the Giver of life, God is always active in His children.

Change Your Perspective: Instead of thinking, “If I wait continually, God will work,” realize that because God works continually, you can always wait on Him.

Cultivate a Habit: Let this understanding fill you until waiting on Him becomes natural. This constant waiting will bring trust and joy to your soul.

Rely on the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit will sustain you in this continuous reliance on God.


Dear Heavenly Father,

As Your scripture promises, I trust that You have begun a good work in me and will bring it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit, help me to continually wait and yearn to be in Your presence as You work within me, building me up in Christ. Forgive my doubts and shortcomings, and fill my heart with Your agape love. Let me find rest, hope, joy, peace, and assurance in Your presence. I pray this in Jesus’ name.


May the Lord bless you to develop a vibrant and continuous life in Christ!

Blessings 💕

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